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Read our Frequently asked questions below. If you have a question that isn’t answered below, feel free to reach out to our support or visit our help center!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who and what is Stiddle for?

Stiddle is a marketing software to help advertisers create, manage, and optimize their Facebook ads and landing pages. Stiddle is best used for SMBs, marketers, and agencies.

What is the full-funnel advertising approach?

Full-funnel advertising is the process of running a series of prospecting and retargeting campaigns to help nurture leads and make a conversions. Stiddle's full-funnel approach helps businesses and marketers drive traffic to Stiddle landing pages (that are optimized for CRO) to make trackable and profitable conversions using paid ads.

Does Stiddle only run ads on Facebook and Instagram?

Currently Stiddle only supports campaigns with Facebook and Instagram. We have plans in the future to implement other social marketing channels such as TikTok and SnapChat.

What languages does Stiddle support?

The platform and the majority of Stiddle's resources are in English, however we also offer a native translator with access to over 108 languages. Live support and documentation are offered in both Mandarin and English.

What happens to my Facebook and Instagram Ads campaigns if I cancel my Stiddle subscription?

If you decide to cancel your Stiddle subscription, nothing will happen to your campaigns.They will continue to run on Facebook and Instagram until their end date. You’ll be able to manage and edit your campaigns anytime directly from their native platform. After your subscription ends, you will no longer have access to Stiddle's analytics and ad creation tools until you renew your subscription.

Why do I need to pay for Stiddle?

Stiddle is a software-as-a-services (SaaS). This means we charge our customers on a monthly or yearly basis in order to access our software suite of advertising tools. We charge our customers in order to provide excellent customer support/success and the ability for us to continue developing new feature on a monthly roll-out basis.

How do I pay ad spend? Does Stiddle charge me?

When using our software, nothing changes concerning payments: all the Facebook and Instagram advertising managed and created via Stiddle will still be billed by Facebook, respectively, with the billing options you set up on your advertising accounts. What you’ll be paying us is the subscription for the use of the platform. In order to use Stiddle, you would need to have a valid payment method set up on Facebook and Instagram. Stiddle does charge a fee to use the software. See pricing plans here.

How much does Stiddle cost?

Stiddle charges on a monthly basis. Our pricing structure is divided between three plans: Starter, Growth, Pro. These three plans provide everything you need to start running Facebook ads and build landing pages, however each plan is mainly differentiated by usage. See pricing plans here.

How does the 7-day free trial work?

The standard Stiddle free trial is 7 days and requires no credit card. Broken down like this: First 2 days of unrestricted access to all features Stiddle offers. The next 5 days consist of the features correlating to the plan selected (Core, Professional, etc). Please note: In some circumstances Stiddle may offer an extended free trial - in which the above may not apply. After the 7-day free trial, you will be required to select a paid plan.

How much do Facebook ads cost?

Facebook ads are priced differently based on industry, niche, objective, and type of advertisement. You are charges based on the amount of impressions, clicks, and/or total reach.

Do I have to host the pages myself?

No, all Stiddle pages are hosted though Stiddle. We have a 99.99% uptime and fast load speeds. For custom solutions, please contact Enterprise Sales.

Can I use my own template or custom code?

We currently don't support third party templates, however you can access our HTML editor to add custom code to your page.

Can I connect my custom domain?

Stiddle doesn't support custom domain mapping through DNS, however you can forward Stiddle domain to your custom domain with a few clicks.

Can I add custom tracking pixels and code?

Yes, custom header and footer tracking code can be added within the editor.

Are the pages SSL secure?

Yes, all Stiddle pages are SSL secure.

What is an audience?

An audience is a set of targeting criteria used in an ad campaign to determine who to show your ad to. When building audiences, you can choose the criteria in the form of interests or use custom audiences to display your ad to people who've taken a specific action on your website, or signed-up for a newsletter, etc.

What is the difference between custom and saved audiences?

Saved audiences are a set of targeting demographics, such as location, gender, age, and interests that can be saved to be reused in future campaigns. Custom audiences allow you to display your ad to people who've taken a specific action on your website, purchased a product, or signed-up for a newsletter, etc.

Can I build retargeting audiences for my own website or page not on Stiddle?

Yes! With the Facebook pixel installed on your website, you can build retargeting traffic audiences within your Stiddle account.

Can I use videos and images in my ad placements? Does Stiddle offer carousel ads?

Yes! Stiddle gives you the ability to create carousel ads which means you can have multiple images and videos within the same ad.

Where do Stiddle ads display?

Stiddle is a software that makes it easier to run and optimize your social media ads. We currently integrate with Facebook and Instagram to optimize ads and help increase conversions.